Several pharmacies in the area were previously running short of the new COVID-19 vaccine.

We spoke to Andrea Adams, the Pharmacy District Manager for Smith’s Food and Drugs and she told us the reason pharmacies have been on short stock of the new COVID-19 vaccine is because, with any new vaccine, it takes time for the manufacturer and the distributor to get the supply chain figured out.

They also had to figure out how to get the vaccine out to pharmacies efficiently.

“It did start shipping last week and we are getting consistent shipments at this point and we expect them to ramp up in the coming weeks as well," said Adams.

Victoria Nicolson Hornblower, the Immunization Program Supervisor for Northern Nevada Public Health said getting the new COVID-19 vaccine is just as important as getting past ones.

According to Hornblower the new formula is to help immunize everyone against the new strain we're seeing this year just like the flu vaccine.

“It’s important to get that because a lot of immunity may have waned it may have been a year since they got their last shot or completed their primary series so it’s important,” Hornblower said.

She told us they want people to look at this vaccine just like they would the flu vaccine, and it's recommended to get both the flu and COVID-19 vaccine together.

This year the government won't be covering the vaccine costs, so just like the flu vaccine it'll be up to insurance to cover the cost.

Out of pocket, the new COVID-19 vaccine will be $142 per dose.

Adams said most insurances at this point are covering the vaccine, like Medicare, Medicaid and most commercial insurances.

“Insurance companies can take a few weeks to add any new product into their formularies so that it’s paid for, so we are having instances where insurances won't pay for it yet but once they update their systems in the new week or two, we expect to have full coverage for the COVID vaccine,” Adams said.

For those who don't have insurance the government is going to start a bridge access program in October.

You can find out where you can get a vaccine with a list of local pharmacies here:

For uninsured or underinsured appointments, Northern Nevada Public Heath will also be assisting. People can contact them at 775-328-2434.

“It’s important to be able to get to all those who may not be able to get to a provider, may not have insurance or provide health equity to our community," said Hornblower.